Hey Fam! I definitely mixed my workouts a bit more on the seventh week, but I did take two days off oppose to the one. I took Valentines day off so I can cook for the hubs and I and honestly... whatever lol. I'm glad I did, because I don't feel burnt out. Last time when I missed on working out on a Friday I pushed through and worked out 10 days straight. I didn't do that same this time around because it became more or a chore.
Challenges: The only challenges I face right now are the stretches afterwards. My five minute stretching after every workout has fallen off. I do need to pick that back up. I've stopped because I felt rush to get home since the hubs now gets home early from work. I know, that's an excuse.. what's five minutes right? I'll figure it out. Meh!
Time to pick up on the running.