Sunday, January 12, 2020

Second Week

Week 2 done! I went running this morning and I have to say that I am actually enjoying this challenge for myself so far only because I'm not putting any crazy pressure. The guidelines I gave myself are very helpful and holds my accountable. The goal of this challenge is just to better my health to the next level - to make even better habits.

Challenges: The only challenge I really faced this week was being on my period and motivating myself to do the 45 minute walk. Honestly - once you get going, it's good. The idea is to have movement everyday since I sit at a desk all day. The last thing I should do when I come home from work is to sit even more. Walking for 45 minutes was nice and easy!

Most people who don't know me would say that I'm already natural skinny, but that's not true (also my goal is not to stay skinny or get skinnier- it's to stay healthy especially as we plan to have a family at some point). My weight fluctuated growing up so calling me naturally skinny is just false. Sure puberty kicked in (at some point lol) and my metabolism was in full a effect - but I was constantly doing physical activities such as tennis, badminton, running, etc. I was never the type of person to just sit around and do nothing. I've gone through my own ups and downs with my weight like most girls when they were their 20's. It took me a long time and trial and error to understand that the goal is to just maintain a healthy lifestyle. And with that you get the bonus benefits of doing so - maintaining a healthy weight (maybe even losing some lbs, or gaining muscles), mental health, creating better eating habits, and still being able to eat ice cream every night (lol).

Anyway, if you haven't made a goal for yourself for 2020 - it's never too late and you should consider a physical fitness goal. The best gift you can give yourself is to become healthy (or healthier) with a physical fitness goal and I don't mean to hit the gym 5-6 days out of the week so you can fit into a size zero or become ripped AF - but a physical fitness goal of giving yourself better health physically and mentally. Everyone ages and as everyone gets older, many become more sedentary which can affect your physical health. Your body is an amazing machine - it fights viruses, bacteria, etc. - the least you can do is maintain it or get better. If your legs are working just fine, take the stairs at work, park further away when you got to Target and walk (except at night if you're a girl lol). Walking 10 minutes out of your busy day will benefit you physically and mentally - no excuses, just do it. And that is my TED talk - okay, thank you, bye.


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