Saturday, May 27, 2017

Peru, South America!

Ohmagerd! I've made it to Machu Picchu! I've been wanting to travel here for the past 5 years and finally I did it! I had a goal to come to Peru after graduating as a celebration and gift to myself, but the timing never was right (but I still got to travel to other cool places). But this year.. the time was right AND it was super sweet that I was able to share this experience with my love, MVamos.

Peru was so beautiful whether at the capital of Lima to the small town of Urubamba. The locals were nice and quite helpful when we traveled via the colectivo to get to our Sacred Valley sights. The food was colorful, fresh, and delicious AF! I was obsessed with the Peruvian textiles, they were beautiful and I regret not buying more things! Those who know me know my style and interest of textiles.. so yeah.. I wish I bought more lol.. Next time I'll buy more!

When we arrived to Machu Picchu.. it was like a dream. It's funny.. I've never heard of Machu Picchu until I was 21 from a past relationship (my school did not teach geography- I went to a "ghetto" school lol) and didn't really feel the need/want to really go there until 2012. I suddenly had the yearning to travel to Machu Picchu as affirmation to myself that I could do this on my own and especially on my own terms. And I know I've done more than that. When I saw Machu Pichhu in person after taking that first deep breath- my heart that yearned to get there was now fulfilled. Machu Picchu is amazing and I cannot describe the feeling you get as you wonder around the grounds and touch the stones made by the Incas. Not only was MP so rad, the other ruins took my breath away as well! Especially Moray!

Anyway.. Here are some photos!


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