Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 90 Day Physical Challenge

As many of you know, I'm a fairly healthy person meaning I workout regularly 3 to 4 days out of the week and I've kept it pretty consistent for the past 3 years. Every year I try to challenge myself a bit more, but then I fall off the train tracks due to work, being lazy, and honestly.. not being 100% committed. Sometimes I think my goals are too extreme so it's not obtainable so I opt out.

For 2020, I definitely want to challenge my discipline oppose to some extreme physical fitness goals (aka six pack -which never will happen cause I love food). So after contemplating the last couple of months, I've decided to do a 90 day challenge as a kick off to the new year with a feasible goal. It's not extreme, but it challenges my discipline.

Okay so my typical workouts are about 30 to 45 minutes - nothing too crazy. So the challenge for the next 90 days is to up my workouts to 45 minutes to an hour per workout session (or maybe more). I've create some rules/guidelines for myself for consistency.

- 6 days, 1 rest day (which will be Tuesday cause I hate Tuesdays) 
- 1 day out of the 6 can be a class workout (via my classpass membership)
- Minimum 30 minute cardio (I love cardio.. said no one.. but I actually do lol)
- 5 minutes of stretching after a workout 

Exceptions to Rules/Guidelines
- Monthly lady time, substituting with 45 minutes of walking or spinning

Also to keep myself accountable - I'll be posting weekly on what types of workouts I do to possibly give some of you ideas on what to do lol. I'm not following any types of workout plans because I just don't care for them. I'll do what I know and typically try things I researched. 

Let's gooooo!

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